

​After five thousand years of reading in China

发布时间:2021-11-15 10:32 栏目:学生作品 发布单位:宜兴市官林第二中学 点击量:6431 【公开】

官林二中    八(6)班   蓝建晴       指导老师:胡俊英

China is an ancient country with a long history of 5,000 years and has created a splendid culture. Chinese civilization is also the only civilization in history that has never broken down.

"Five Thousand Years of China" let us know the historical events, let us witness the opening of China from Pangu to the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In history, there were many Ming emperors who made great efforts to govern the country, such as Emperor Han Wudi of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty, and Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. There were also many bad emperors who indulged in pleasure. For example, Jie of the Xia Dynasty and Zhou of the Shang Dynasty...

We should take the essence and discard the dross and learn from the outstanding figures in history. I'm really proud of being a Chinese.

                                 ——  Five thousand year China

上一篇 : Red Spirit| 下一篇 : 生逢盛世 吾辈当自强




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